This is one of a long line of co-op cases establishing the principle that where there are building repairs to be done by the co-op, the co-op determines the scope of such repairs, including the nature and extent, even if an affected shareholder prefers a different methodology or aesthetic.
Read full articleAlthough this case did not actually involve either a cooperative or condominium building, it might have and the issues would not be different. This case deals with one of the newest and hottest topics in real estate management. Mold, although arguably a less serious a hazard to most people than asbestos or lead paint, is the latest environmental hazard to receive considerable attention. Moreover, for people with severe allergies or asthma it can be a serious, even life- threatening matter. While mold has existed for centuries, there is a new awareness that water conditions in a residential building must be remediated promptly after occurrence so as to eliminate and prevent the development of mold. This requires well-managed co-op and condo buildings to establish operations and maintenance programs to deal with water conditions before they become mold problems.
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