Case Notes provides insight on one particularly relevant co-op or condo case—clearly explaining what happened, why it’s important, and what lessons can be learned within.
TAKEWAY Once again, boards should take comfort in the fact that as long as they act in good faith within the scope of authority, lawsuits against them will fail. The business judgment rule provides broad protection and it is a high hurdle for plaintiffs to get past in order to try to impose liability. Managing agents and attorneys should also take comfort in the fact that the court recognized that their fiduciary responsibility is to the whole entity and not any individual unit owner (or shareholder). Attempts to expand liability in lawsuits beyond the basic breach of contract claim against the co-op or condo entity are often expensive and unsuccessful.
Read full articleTHE LESSON FOR BOARDS While it was probably worth the shot at moving to dismiss based on what seemed to be fairly damning emails that there was no leak damage in apartment 4E coming from 5E’s bathroom, ultimately courts are often hesitant to rely on board emails in a motion to dismiss as documentary evidence. Here, maybe if a moisture expert, or even a plumber, had undertaken the same testing as the super and issued a report, it is possible such would have been more appropriately relied upon as documentary evidence on a motion to dismiss. Still, the shareholders of Apt. 5E face an uphill battle, as the proprietary lease plainly provides the co-op access to examine the pipes in apartments in order to find and fix leaks.
Read full articleTAKEAWAY Litigators are good at making fine distinctions between words, and surely the condominium was justifiably unhappy about a sweetheart deal that gave the commercial unit owner a 90% discount on repair work. Ultimately the condominium could chart no satisfactory path around the words of the declaration. And yet, given the dollars at stake for the repair job, as well the prospect of future repair costs, it is perhaps too easy to say the condominium’s board should have taken the “L” without a fight. Sometimes parties need the courts to settle an argument, and at this condo at least, the argument is now settled, albeit in favor of the commercial unit owner.
Read full articleTAKEAWAY What happened here is a repeat of the famous court decision Levandusky v. One Fifth Avenue Apartment Corp, which found actual alteration work did not follow the signed alteration agreement. Boards can take action when a unit owner violates an alteration agreement and makes changes affecting other residents or impacting common areas. These actions are subject to the Business Judgment Rule, which gives boards broad discretion as long as they do not act beyond their authority and decisions are made in good faith. And as established in the Levandusky case, such decisions are not subject to second-guessing by the courts.
Read full articleTAKEAWAY: While a jury or judge will decide if there was unlawful racial discrimination here, this case highlights the complications that may arise when a first-floor cooperative or condominium unit, previously utilized as a doctor’s office, becomes vacant. Substantial renovations may be necessary to convert a medical office back to residential use, and such renovations would likely necessitate an amendment to the building’s certificate of occupancy. In the course of that process, the NYC Department of Buildings may inspect the entire building, and any resulting violations or required updates will result in extra costs to all unit owners or shareholders. In this case, however, the board’s decision to deny a medical office lease to an otherwise qualified African-American applicant while simultaneously allowing two other medical offices to operate in similar units exposed the condominium and the board to liability for unlawful racial discrimination.
Read full articleTAKEAWAY This is one of the very rare occasions where the board of a condominium had seemingly done everything right. Even so, they were sued. The board learned of a leak in a water main and fixed it within 10 days. In light of the fact that the board would have to meet, decide which plumber to hire, decide which of two repairs options the engineering firm presented, the 10 days seems reasonable. However, the one action the board did not take was the fatal one, and this resulted in the court rejecting the board’s request for a dismissal of the negligence claim. The court determined that the board’s failure to turn off the water (resulting in continued flooding onto the neighbor’s property) may have indeed been negligence. A more careful analysis of the entire situation, and how it would affect the adjacent property, might have saved the board and the condominium from a potentially costly claim of negligence.
Read full articleTAKEAWAY: This decision exemplifies some of the difficulties that condominiums may have in maintaining the building’s exterior envelope when the governing documents classify the windows as part of the unit and not part of the common elements. Window replacements are notoriously expensive and difficult to coordinate, and yet may be increasingly necessary as buildings age and energy efficiency compliance mandates ratchet up. In this case, the many apparent benefits of a coordinated building-wide replacement program were not enough to persuade the court to give the board dominion over the unit owners’ “private property.” This case may be distinguishable from other otherwise similar situations in that it appears that the board never made a finding that the plaintiffs’ specific windows were damaged or otherwise needed to be replaced. If the board had been armed with a finding from an engineer that these particular windows had failed, perhaps the unit owners could have been compelled to join the replacement program as part of their contractual duty to keep their apartment in good repair. Here, however, there were allegations in the record that the plaintiffs’ particular windows were in good condition.
Read full articleTAKEAWAY: This decision exemplifies some of the difficulties that condominiums may have in maintaining the building’s exterior envelope when the governing documents classify the windows as part of the unit and not part of the common elements. Window replacements are notoriously expensive and difficult to coordinate, and yet may be increasingly necessary as buildings age and energy efficiency compliance mandates ratchet up. In this case, the many apparent benefits of a coordinated building-wide replacement program were not enough to persuade the court to give the board dominion over the unit owners’ “private property.” This case may be distinguishable from other otherwise similar situations in that it appears that the board never made a finding that the plaintiffs’ specific windows were damaged or otherwise needed to be replaced. If the board had been armed with a finding from an engineer that these particular windows had failed, perhaps the unit owners could have been compelled to join the replacement program as part of their contractual duty to keep their apartment in good repair. Here, however, there were allegations in the record that the plaintiffs’ particular windows were in good condition.
Read full articleChristian Jones, a California resident, sued Tower 53, its managing agent and Con Ed for personal injury and loss of consortium after tripping and falling over a Con Ed manhole cover, and the Appellate Division ruled that Tower 53 and its managing agent were responsible for maintaining the sidewalk.
Read full articleHarold Brunwasser and Roni Scharf bought an apartment at Murray Hill Mews in 2017, but the recording of the shares, stock certificate and proprietary lease was as Tenants by the Entirety, leading to a lawsuit over who owns the apartment.
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